Project Description
Fresh Fish at the Fishingsquare (in Dutch: Frisse Vis op het Visserijplein)
design: HUNK-design
initiative: Frisse Vis
implementation painting: Markeer
implementation floater seats: Bouw Akademie
maintenance: foundation de Ontmoeting
location: Visserijplein, Rotterdam
start: May 2017
Layer by layer, the gray and dismal looking square Visserijplein changes into a pleasant square for the neighbourhood. Frisse Vis (Fresh Fish), an initiative by Mirjam Ippel, bundles the forces from the area around the square. She invited HUNK-design to participate. Inspired by the name and history of the square we made a design for a continuously changing painting.
Twice a week, when the market is over, little white cars with rotating steel brushes come to clean the square. These brushes will make the paint fade gradually. And that’s exactly what we want.
When the first layer starts to fade away, the second layer will be applied. And when this layer fades another layer will be added. On top of this, we placed movable large floaters seats on the square. Neighbours can have a seat on them and have a chat together. So the square changed into a moving water painting.
As the design is inspired by the movement of water, it is a biophilic design.